In pain

I had thought there might be a medical condition underlying the decision for the Guadalupe County Judge to decide to be smokin' the ganja.

Lord knows diabetic neuropathy is extremely painful.

I have it.

I take Alieve and I grin grimace and bear it.  He chose another path.

The voters will decide ultimately on how to judge him and the choice he made.

I do not suspect it will be harsh.

Judge won't resign
From The Seguin Gazette -

SEGUIN — Guadalupe County Judge Mike Wiggins announced Tuesday morning that he will not resign from his position as the county’s chief administrator after being arrested Feb. 6 in College Station on a charge of possession of less than 2 ounces of marijuana.

After Wiggins’ announcement, which came during a Commissioners Court meeting, a standing-room-only crowd applauded and cheered. Wiggins then re-read an agenda item that called for commissioners to either accept the judge’s resignation or consider a resolution requesting that he resign.

Precinct 1 Commissioner Roger Baenziger questioned the value of voting on a resolution because Wiggins already had announced his decision not to resign and because no draft resolution had been prepared.

The rest of the story:
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