10 most commonly used Shortcuts in Google Reader

Here is the list of 10 most commonly used Shortcuts in Google Reader to improve your efficiency while reading dozens of stuff a day.

Since the official blog of Google Reader does not show the 10 most commonly used commands or shortcuts of this very popular feed reader. I thought I'll expose them for you.

Here we go:
  1. j - Down to the next item.
  2. n - In list mode, go to the next item without opening it.
  3. k - Up to the previous item.
  4. m - Mark Read / Unread.
  5. t - Tag an item.
  6. p - In list mode, enters the previous item without opening it.
  7. shift+n - Skip to the next subscription.
  8. v - Visiting the original article.
  9. o - To expand / collapse element in list mode.
  10. s - Add star (highlight).
Hope you find this easy and useful to use.
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