It's been long since I wrote

Sorry Folks, it's been quite some time since I wrote - a week to be precise. Well - here goes the lame excuse. I was busy with assembling my Home PC rig and lo it's been simply superb (more about it in the coming days - watch out).

Also, as most of you know - I have moved my work into Supply Chain Management(SCM) domain from my previous domain of Customer Relationship Management(CRM) , so that's a huge learning curve for me and I am trying to grasp on the new terminologies of Replenishment, Picking, Packing, Shipping, etc - a whole new world unfolds.

Thanks for all the mails and suggestions that most of you have sent me regarding my new desktop configuration. One constant reply that I got from most of the readers was - Why don't you get a laptop instead of a Desktop? I have replied to all the mails with my reasons for going in for a desktop than a laptop - I will post my thoughts on this issue in the coming days.

So, how's everyone doing? Do mail me back folks - (just in case you forgot).

Wishing you a very cheerful and profitable days ahead in whatever you do and wherever you are.

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