Many a times you may want to convert a document that you have in Adobe pdf format to a much simpler format like Word or RTF or plain text. Previously you had to install some software's on your machine and then run the converter and the software's used to be filled with Trojans and viruses. But, now you have a new breed of Online PDF to Word converters and here is the list of all the services:
Most of these online services allow you to upload the pdf file and then give your mail ID to which the converted word file will be mailed after the successful conversion.
The last website on the list has a different approach, it has a series of online wizard screens (6 of them) and you choose whether you need the images to be embedded or footer to be included , etc and finally you will need to mail the pdf with the settings to a specified mail Id.
The last website on the list has a different approach, it has a series of online wizard screens (6 of them) and you choose whether you need the images to be embedded or footer to be included , etc and finally you will need to mail the pdf with the settings to a specified mail Id.