"Brilliant! People will be really moved by this moment!"
Kid to herself: "I hope I did what everyone expected me to do. In truth, I really don't know what I feel."
Kid to herself: "I hope I did what everyone expected me to do. In truth, I really don't know what I feel."
It is funny how people are so quick to buy into a collective grief fest, even when it is blatantly evident that a child that is in a state of shock is being used as a prop. Kids don't grieve for public display like that, as much as we would like them to provide a nicely-wrapped sweet moment for us adults. People are far too gullible...the poor kid was evidently put up to it or thought that this was the way she was expected to behave. Looking at all the YouTube comments of this clip, you have to wonder how people could overlook the child's feelings in favor of a convienient falsehood, like bear dancing: "Aren't those bears so cute?" - forget the leashes drilled through their noses.
We at Newsifact feel sorry for Paris Jackson and lament what we feel is the shameless exploitation of a girl that has probably led a very abnormal life. Apologies for straying from our usual satirical tone and we understand that you may disagree with us on this one, but the point is surely that the Jackson family should never have made her do that, and the media shoudn't buy into the whole thing...
Here's a clip from the film "Stand By Me" that we feel is a little closer to the reality of how kids grieve: