One thing I can't wait to do when we move into our new house is light a fire. I have always dreamed of having a house with a fireplace and our new house has three beautiful old fireplaces. There is one in the lounge room, one in the kitchen and one in what will become our main bedroom. My collection of vintage cane baskets will be put to good use as log baskets and I love the idea of clustering lots of candles on the mantel just like they have in the top image. I'm excited to think of the wonderful vignettes I will be able to create on the mantels...
Blog Archive
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- How Crazy way bodyguards lose their jobs
- To Climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first...
- A Verandah Vignette
- Smile
- Five of the World’s most dangerous and Craziest ri...
- The World’s 5 Most Crazy and Strange Tunnels
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