Plane is fine, phone was dead.

Well this isn't David Paqua's Blackberry, but I'm guessing his was resting in a similar spot on Tuesday.

After a day with no news on his progress from Charleston, South Carolina to Sun 'n Fun in Lakeland, Florida, I got the following text message Wednesday morning;

"Phone charger not working Monday. Phone died bought a new one Tuesday."

So its not clear to me whether its the phone or the charger that was dead, but, no phone, no texts, no photos and this explains the absence of blogging from me on day two of David's adventure.

When I hear more, you will, too.

Sun 'n Fun opened Tuesday. The 36th annual Fly-in is expected to draw more than one hundred thousand spectators, who come to see the airshows (F-16 Thunderbirds will perform on April 17 and 18th, OMG!) static displays, vendors selling everything one could possibly relate to aviation - for example, got an email from these folks last week - and an appearance by the under-appreciated Miracle on the Hudson CO-pilot Jeff Skiles. (Read what I've written about that here and here.)

So it sounds like a lot of fun, but we're just going to have to wait for details from our intrepid pilot/reporter. David P., Where ARE you?
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