How to read Print Magazines online for Free

Now you can read all of your favorite magazines online for free. All that you need is internet access to this wonderful website The website is a user content generated one - what I mean is that user's upload digital copies of their favorite magazines and these can be accessed by the other users.

The UI and the underlying framework to display the magazines is very intuitive and easy to use. I like the ability to use the keyboard '->' and '<-' keys to flip through the pages. It loads considerably faster and is lot of fun.

Most well known magazines like WIRED, Mac World,Time, Men's Health, PC World, Business Week, Economist, National Geographic Kids, Cosmopolitan - you name it and you may find it. The best part is that most of the magazines are the International / US versions which may not be available in all countries.

But I am not sure for how long we will have access to the site as it may infringe on copyright issues. So until then, Happy Reading!!
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