Though you may have one of the best operating system's in your computer - a.k.a. Windows 7, you will still need a good anti-virus program to protect your PC from Viruses, Trojans, Root-Kits, etc. There are several paid Anti-Virus solutions from Norton (Symantec), Mc-Afee, etc but when you have a personal PC or laptop and can't really afford spending any more on softwares - well, look at the Free Anti-Virus solutions.
Free Anti-Virus softwares are actually second to none in terms of protection but they lack functionality and a few bells and whistles found exclusively on paid Anti-Virus softwares.
I have put together a list of the Best Free Anti-Virus Solutions that are available currently.
As for the paid Anti-Virus, the Best detections rates are found in these:
- Symantec Norton
- Avira AntiVir
- Panda
- Avast
- Sophos
Go ahead and protect your data - choose a Anti-Virus solution wisely and don't forget to update it often!!