Can We Nuke Israel Now, Please?

How about a little Shock and Awe and a brutal occupation against a real terrorist state including the dissolution of that band of psychopaths known as the Knesset? That kind of police action I could live with and wouldn't mind subsidizing with my tax dollars.

And what Israel did this past weekend, in boarding a flotilla and murdering at least 16 aid workers while the flotilla wasn't even in Israeli waters, would certainly make me pull a Bush on them if the carnage in Gaza a year and a half ago and the bombing of southern Beirut four years ago wasn't enough.

It certainly doesn't help that the "liberal media" continues calling the aid workers "activists", suggesting they were engaged in some sort of action, perhaps violent action. In point of fact, these IDF terrorists killed the aid workers while they slept.

In a way, this attack and commandeering of six ships on their way to Gaza wasn't even as brazenly ballsy as the Israelis attacking the USS Liberty in 1967. In that clusterfuck, which was the exact opposite of the Gulf of Tonkin "incident", 34 seamen, Marines, officers and one civilian were brutally killed. 171 crewmembers were wounded. The US and Israeli governments looked into the incident.

They determined it was a mere case of friendly fire. It took the Israeli government 13 years to pay off the grieving families (less than $100,000 per family), those wounded and the US Navy for damage they did to the ship.

The USS Liberty was a scientific research vessel in international waters just north of Sinai Peninsula during the 6 Day War in June 1967. The increasingly paranoid Israelis, not caring that we were their staunchest allies, kept demanding that we expand the buffer zone separating Israeli from international waters. Being the properly circumsized dick-slapped wimps that we are, we obeyed like we still obey every one of Israel's commands.

Nonetheless, Israeli Air Force jets strafed the Liberty and the attack was followed up by torpedo boats and gunboats from the Israeli navy that got to within 50 yards of the ship's gunwale and opened fire while we hardly got off a shot. Most of the 34 fatalities were killed by the torpedo ship and the gunboats came in to mop up the rest. The siege lasted for two solid hours. That's a long time to be accidentally firing on a vessel sporting four American flags

The official line that the American research vessel was actually a belligerent destroyer was given credence when a typically lying and paranoid Israeli pilot claimed that he was fired upon.

It remains the only US Maritime incident that was never investigated by the US Congress. It didn't matter what the crewmembers on board the ship said and most of them weren't even asked for their testimony. Lyndon Johnson went along with the official line even though he must've known the Israelis were lying, as usual, through their rotten teeth.

The 34 deaths remain unavenged to this day and the closest the Israelis have come to any culpability was in paying off the surviving relatives and the wounded.

Israel was run by psychopaths then and it's run by psychopaths now. We're hearing the same old tired, paranoid bullshit: They attacked us with sharp pieces of metal when we rappelled onto their vessel in the dead of night sporting automatic weapons.

All because this Turkish vessel and every vessel in the flotilla defied a likely illegal Israeli blockade preventing aid from getting to the Palestinians in Gaza. And that's what this is all about: The Israelis are hoping that the Palestinians will all finally starve to death so they can finally get the Gaza Strip all to themselves.

Once again, Obama clucked his tongue. Once again, the Israelis claimed they're the victims here. Once again, the deaths of Jewish terrorism will go unavenged.

And yet they wonder why there's so much antisemitism in the world.

What happened to the Jews during the 30's and 40's in Eastern Europe was an international crime and one of the blackest stains on the blood-spattered history of Mankind. But the Jews are not the only ones who were martyred and slaughtered en masse. Tens of millions of Russians who weren't Jews died under Lenin and Stalin. Many millions more Chinese died under Mao. And today the death toll of the invisible genocide of Darfur has claimed countless hundreds of thousands of more lives. But you don't see the Russians, Chinese and the survivors at Darfur claiming the right to visit bloodshed and horror on innocents because of their victimhood.

Israel has had time to get over it and they need to stop justifying their own genocidal acts by claiming at every available opportunity that they're the redheaded step child of the world and perennial victims. Whatever bigotry they face today is largely of their own making. They make American Jews cringe with shame.

To this day, they are the only superpower in the Middle East and the only ones with the bomb, a nuclear arsenal they still arrogantly refuse to admit they have. While much is being made of Iran and its nonexistent nuclear arsenal, much of the world continues letting Israel cravenly beat up on weaker enemies, this time sleeping, unarmed aid workers.

And we're giving them $3 billion every year to do this. Obama wants to increase that tenfold.

I say it's time to cut off their aid, cut off diplomatic relations, kick their psychopath AIPAC lobbyists out of our nation's capital, invade Israel, carpet-bomb the shit out of them and let them know in no uncertain terms that they cannot be allowed to continue destabilizing the Middle East, that we will fight their proxy wars no more and that we're sick and tired of taking hits from Muslim terrorists for our senseless and fruitless alliance with them. I think it's time for a little long-delayed payback for the USS Liberty.

And, if they still won't listen, nuke the fuckers. Thoroughly. Let's do something good with our defense budget for a change, as long as it's sucking money from social service programs here at home.

And if they want to call that a Holocaust, well then, it'll be one that was actually brought about by their own acts of terrorism.
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