...Blackwater is here to protect us all, no matter what the cost.
Triple Canopy and DynCorp International must be getting sick and tired of being the Washington Generals to Erik Prince's globe-trotting thugs in the "bidding" that we've seen going on. Because on the heels of a highly criticized State Department contract that gave $120,000,000 to Blackwater Worldwide for work in Afghanistan comes the news that the CIA just gave these lawless thugs another $100,000,000 to, get this, protect them and their facilities in, once again, Afghanistan.
So let's take a look at some of the best reasons the CIA had for hiring Blackwater for this latest unofficial no bid contract:
However, in the last 6 months, I guess they passed review.
Again, they passed muster.
Still, CIA spokesman/Blackwater shill Paul Gimigliano told theWa Po that "We have a very careful process when it comes to procurement, and we take it seriously. We've also made it clear that personnel from Xe do not serve with the CIA in any operational roles."
Such as in Khost and during NATO airstikes and assassination missions and in Najaf, for instance.
And this is just a partial list of some of the very best reasons why the Central Intelligence Agency of the Age of Obama feels the need to stuff hundreds of millions of more taxpayer dollars down Erik Prince's throat to have Blackwater protect them. Because, Lord knows, we can't expect our intelligence community and our own military and fighting force to, you know, actually defend themselves.
So you see, Dorothy, nothing to get excited about, nothing to see here. Blackwater will protect us all... for the right price. Now sleep, sleep, poppies, poppiiiieeeeesssss....