A National Insecurity Issue

It’s a complex issue... - Rep. Duncan Hunter on immigration
This is a National Security issue. It’s not complicated. - Rep. Duncan Hunter on immigration again

This is pretty much sums up the perception of so-called "anchor babies" among the right wing. In fact, I found this particular lead image in the comment section of Free Republic.

Russell Pearce, the Republican bigot who spearheaded the abominable SB 1070, is about to unveil his newest abomination and this time time they're going after A) children and B) children who are legal US citizens.

And, as with its granddaddy SB 1070, this bill would try to usurp the federal government's power by choosing to ignore the 14th amendment that grants citizenship to all who are born on US soil.

This isn't a new trend or idea. At least as far back as April of this year, Congressmen like Duncan Hunter openly advocated stripping children of their US citizenship and deporting them with their parents. In fact, Hunter told a crowd of fellow right wing fanatics that something like this ought to be started in Arizona.

Looks like he's getting his wish. And SB 1070 is already working wonders for the Republican Party a month before it goes into effect: Not only has it made Gov. Jan Brewer the fair-haired Crypt Keeper of the state GOP, it's also resulted in a mass exodus of Mexican Americans both legal and otherwise who are sickened and frightened by what Arizona's turning into. But as with anything else in life, the self-imposed deportation is a two-edged sword: Not only are they taking reliably Democratic votes with them, they're also taking their hard-earned money.

Some Arizona businesses are reporting a 75% drop in revenue since the exodus began. Yet, despite the immediate negative impact on the state's economy, the sunburned white people of Arizona are tickled pink that the state's being left to those who stole it from Mexico.

This is what happens when people give the right wing an unchallenged inch. They then grab a yard. With the return of Nazi Germany with SB 1070 now this bill that seeks to ignore the 14th amendment, Arizona is showing signs of wanting to secede from the Union by ignoring the Constitution that seeks to protect all its citizens.

Of course, a more humane alternative to stripping citizenship and enforced deportation is to put these parents on the fast track to citizenship since their American-born children "anchor" them to our country in the longterm. After all, it would be interesting to see how many ancestors of today's right wing gained their citizenship through the same 14th amendment they'd love to abolish. But then again, no one ever accused the right wing of being humane.

Now even the definition of citizenship is up for grabs and the people doing the grabbing is the radical wing of the Arizona Republican Party. And with SB 1070 and this proposed legislation, the gap separating these Hispanics from concentration camps is getting narrower.
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