Mark Twain once famously said, "If you don't like the weather in New England... wait a minute." That's never been truer than today. After one of the most violent lightning storms in recent memory early this morning, the annual Hudson Community Fest went off without a hitch.
The lead picture was taken by me on the "Happy Wagon", kiddie cars strung together and pulled by a John Deere riding mower. It's actually a lot more fun than you think.
Mrs. JP, in her Red Sox finery, was sitting directly behind me and praying she wouldn't fall out during our driver's tacking and U-turns.
We passed corporate rival icons Mickey and Elmo.
Among the many booths offering their wares was this sign that I snapped a picture of in honor of one of my favorite bloggers, Busted Knuckles (Ornery Bastard).
Included with our many acquisitions was this tee shirt that I simply had to have. At the risk of sounding like a right winger, truer words were never spoken. For good measure, I also got a dream catcher at the same booth.
Then, as if heaven couldn't afford any more forbearance, the skies opened up just minutes before the end of the festival at four. It's now 5 o'clock and it's as sunny as can be. It's funny how the older Mark Twain's words get, the truer they seem.