Obviously, that dream never came true, but I did get the chance to see Griffey play live once. In Texas, against the Rangers, I got to see Griffey (and a young A-Rod) play. As to not disappoint me, he hit a bomb of a home run to right center. Awesome.
Griffey was easily the best player I've ever seen play live. He had otherworldly power (630 career HR), was a great fielder when he was young (10 gold gloves) and had speed. He was the total package, with the sweetest left-handed swing you'd probably ever see. And, unlike most players in his era, he has never been implicated in any steroid allegations. (Plus, Ken Griffey Jr. baseball for SNES was an incredible game.)
Ultimately, Griffey's career was derailed by injuries (kinda like most non-steriod taking athletes) and he was never his normal self after leaving Seattle. He never got the chance to play in the World Series and made only one League Championship Series (1995 ALCS). His career will always have that "What If?" feel to it.
But none of that really matters when talking about Griffey. He was the closest thing I had to a boyhood sports idol and for that I'll always be thankful. I just wish Thor Foss never stole my only Griffey rookie card in sixth grade. Asshole. What a prick.
Anyway, thanks, Griffey. You may not be the best ever, but you're certainly the best I ever saw.
(And technically my opinion is the only one that matters, thus making him the best ever. So, congrats. You're the best ever.)