How to easily Remove the Virus / Spyware - Anti-virus XP 2008 from your system without using any Anti-Virus Softwares

Recently, one of our systems got attacked by a rather nasty Virus / Spyware called by a rather unusual name "Anti-virus XP 2008" sometimes also comes with the other names as XP Antivirus 2009 and variations of those names like WinFixer, WinIFixer, and Zlob. Below are simple steps on how you can remove this without installing an Anti-Virus.

First you need to stop the program from loading on startup. This is how you can stop it:
  • Goto Start > run 
  • Then Type msconfig and hit enter
  • In the resulting screen, goto Startup tab
  • Uncheck lphc35dj0e1an
  • Uncheck rhc75dj0e1an
  • Click apply, then ok
  • Finally, Restart the computer

Then you need to delete the main files that this Malware program uses. 
So, go ahead and Delete the following files:
  • C:\windows\system32\lphc35dj0e1an.exe
Also, Delete the following folder and all contents:
  • C:\program files\rhc75dj0e1an

This should remove the program from your system but you probably still have a warning message displayed as your wallpaper in Windows and the virus removed the ability to change the wallpaper or your desktop settings.

To restore the ability to change your desktop settings and select a different wallpaper and screen saver do the following:
  • Click Start then run 
  • Then type Gpedit.msc
  • Now navigate to User configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Display
  • Finally, Right click on Remove Display in Control Panel
  • Click on Properties and then select as Disabled

Do the same steps to change the following attributes to disabled too:
  • Hide Desktop Tab
  • Prevent changing wallpaper
  • Hide Apperance and Themes tab
  • Hide Settings tab
  • Hide Screen Saver tab

You should now be able to use your computer normally and change the wallpaper to something other than the warning message Antivirus XP 2008 had actually set it to.

Who really Owns Kashmir ? An introspection

Before I start this article, let me tell you that this is indeed "The Most Authoritative Technology Blog" and I speak all about the fascinating technologies that I come across and things that simplify our lives. Once in a while, I do post articles on things that aren't anyway related to technology - so this one happens to be one of them. Secondly, I am no politico-influenced geek , so the things I have written below must not be mis-understood to be in favor of a particular geography or otherwise.

So, you may thing why Jason is writing all this huge disclaimer before a post - well, as you know our Blog family of readers here has been steadily growing and I have been very fortunate to make good friends from across the globe. At times an article I may post may be taken in a wrong sense by a few of my beloved readers.

This morning I was jostled by an e-mail from my good friend and our long time blog reader Dr. Divaker. It was an excerpt from a very ingenious speech given by an Indian representative in the recent United Nations Assembly. It serves as a very good example on how one can make the staunchest of the politicos think otherwise and also bring smiles to the world community (which currently seems a bit difficult given the geo-political equations and events that occur).

The Indian representative begins his speech as follows: 
Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir is named.

When Rishi Kashyap struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath.'

He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.

When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Pakistani had stolen them.

The Pakistani representatives jumped up furiously. But then in support of Pakistan, he shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.'

The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.'

The above speech should serve as an inspiration for people who stay on both sides of the border. As you all know, India and Pakistan are shell locked in a fiery battle(that has even resulted in a few wars / war like situations) over the region of Kashmir. But at the heart of it all, it is the common man who finds a livelihood in this region that suffers.

So, does the above lines say that Pakistan was not formed when Kashmir was formed? Well, certainly not - the people of Pakistan were always there - under a nation of Greater India or maybe even the early civilizations. Well, both the nations must bury the hatchet behind and progress to develop the region to serve as a role model for the rest of the world.

Hope I wasn't politicing or hurting anybody's feelings - if so, I apologize.

Secret service issues apology after President Bush is eaten by a wolf.

The US secret service was forced to apologise yesterday after US president George W. Bush was unexpectedly eaten by a wolf. Discussing the incident, one member of the secret service said "It was this kind of joke he liked to play sometimes. You know 'Aaah! A wolf is attacking me!' he'd shout from the Oval Office. So we just thought he wasn't serious - I admit that we just didn't give his pleas and cries for help serious attention until it was too late."

US president George W. Bush (1946-2008)
who was eaten by a wolf today.

BREAKING: McCain names "fun" Vice-Vice President!

In a move designed to appeal to younger voters, the McCain campaign today announced its choice of a "fun" VVP pick to run alongside the McCain-Palin ticket - the cartoon character Poochie the Dog.

Speaking about the choice, John McCain noted "I've heard that a long of young people with their e-mail pods and online internets are crazy about this Poochie character. So guess what? We've put him on the ticket! Poochie is really excited about this too - he's one outrageous dude!"

The McCain campaign has also dedicated a section on its webpage to Poochie, who explains by substituting the letter 's' with the letter 'z' just why McCain's policies should appeal to young people. One section on the McCain-Palin-Poochie website reads "This John Mac ain't gonna raiz your taxez!" In another section, Poochie remarks "The Mac ain't gonna loze in Iraq, 'coz he is with it man, get it? Yo!"

How to keep your computer Clean and Fast easily?

Many a times, our computers become slow with-in weeks/months of use. The main reason being the installation of many unknown softwares, or some softwares that install other unwanted software's without our notice. There's one small utility called CCleaner which I have personally used for quite sometime with wonderful results.

CCleaner is a freeware Software. It's an excellent tool which serves different purposes like system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. What it does is that it removes all the unused files from your system making Windows to run much faster.

CCleaner also clears all the history pertaining to your online browsing. It also sports a full fledged registry cleaner.

So if you think of cleaning up your registry and speed it up the likes of which mostly only a freshly formatted and reinstalled machine would give you, this is the definitely the tool for you.

Download here.

David Blaine stunt ends in near tragedy.

A stunt by magician David Blaine ended in near tragedy yesterday, after ambulances were called the performer's home. The stunt involved Mr Blaine attempting to "sit at home quietly for a week and not act like a dick." Unfortunately for Mr Blaine, only one day into the experiment the performer began to display signs of a deep psychosis and the whole scenario ended up with an ambulance rescuing Mr Blaine from his home after a frantic 911 call. Here is an excerpt the text released today by the emergency services:

"I'm Shrolah, king of the wallpaper men. This room is a channel - a living conduit. The risks we all take...Shatner, he never knew and never will. But had I gone too far, even for me?"

"Please state the nature of your emergency."

"Emergency, like emerging. I had crossed the fragile boundary between life and death."

"Sir, are you injured?"

"Injury, the last channel of psychic metaburbulation. No man since the Aztecs has known the barrier that man is not meant to cross. But here I was, crossing it. Making toast and tea, yet doing so much more. I was channeling my inner fears. The remote control had become a symbol of my own death; the fragile mortal state that carves the barrier between the inner life force and the darkness buried deep beneath the inner levels of the outer soul. There was no going back. I had committed to the ultimate challenge."

Mr Blaine's current whereabouts are unknown, though one source suggested that he has been committed to a psychiatric ward.

McCain: "I won't make unconditional eye-contact with Obama."

Republican presidential candidate John McCain has again reiterated his position that he will not make unconditional eye-contact with Democratic candidate Barack Obama until his opponent admits that he "doesn't understand." McCain decided to stop looking at his opponent during a recent joint appearance in New York to mark the anniversary of 9/11. During that time, not only did McCain avoid eye-contact, but desperately tried to distance himself from his opponent.

At Friday's presidential debates in Mississippi, McCain again underlined his position: "I just don't want to look at him unconditionally because he doesn't understand. Of course, if I win the election, I will certainly look him in the eye after that. If I don't, well I might just have a real 'maverick' fit."

Numerous Soldier Formations During First World War (Patriotism)

Numerous Soldier Formations During World War I

Living Insignia of the 27th Division "New York's Own"
Human American Eagle
Human Liberty Bell
Human U.S. Shield
Living Uncle Sam

Machine Gun Insignia
Living Emblem of the United States Marines
Sincerely yours, Woodrow Wilson

The Wizard of Oz - 2008

If I only had a brain...

I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin' while
my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le,
In trouble or in pain.
With the thoughts you'll be thinkin'
you could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain.
Oh, I could tell you why The ocean's near the shore.
I could think of things I never thunk before.
And then I'd sit, and think some more.
I would not be just a nothin' my head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry,
If I only had a brain.


If I only had a heart...

When a man's an empty kettle he should be on his mettle,
And yet I'm torn apart.
Just because I'm presumin' that I could be kind-a-human,
If I only had heart.
I'd be tender - I'd be gentle and awful sentimental
Regarding Love and Art.
I'd be friends with the sparrows ...
and the boys who shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart.
Picture me - a balcony. Above a voice sings low.
Wherefore art thou, Romeo? I hear a beat....
How sweet.
Just to register emotion, jealousy - devotion,
And really feel the part.
I could stay young and chipper
and I'd lock it with a zipper,
If I only had a heart.

Don't worry, Sarah, it's all just a bad dream. There's no place like home... There's no place like home...

US Congress passes $700 billion plan to reset clock to 2000 in "Dallas-style" twist.

The US Congress has agreed to a controverisal $700 billion plan to completely wipe the last eight years from history. Under the plan, on November 4th, the 2000 Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore will appear in the shower and be told by his wife Tipper that he has just won Florida and thus the 2000 presidential election. The plan will closely mirror a similar scene in the 1980's soap Dallas, in which the character of Bobby Ewing was revived from the dead by making previous events - including his death - a dream.

Al Gore has reportedly agreed to the plan, which will involve asking every citizen of the US to reset their clocks and calendars and pretend that it is November 2000 again and Al Gore has just defeated Republican candidate George W. Bush. Issues such as the existence of the Twin Towers, Enron, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac etc. will be blamed on a huge hurricane, which, according to the plan, "took place while everybody was sleeping." The plan also has a "realignment" clause, in which the US will slowly catch up to present time by setting clocks to tick 21% faster. Thus, the US will match real global time by 2012.

In a statement about the proposal, congressional leaders urged the national to go along "We are in such a mess, that this really is the only way out. Even President Bush understands that."
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