Tata Indicom which is one of the latest telecom operator in India has introduced a plan under which there will be no charges on mobile calls within the company's network - in effect you can make UNLIMITED FREE CALLS to other Tata Indicom phones.
Tata Indicom has introduced a new 'Freedom Call Voucher' which is a pre-paid mobile card of Rs 325 with talk time worth Rs 150 valid for a period of 30 days.
Applicable both for fixed and mobile phones, Tata Indicom's newest offer allows users make free, unlimited calls within the network. Whereas, outgoing calls to other networks are charged at 49 paise per minute and 99 paise per minute respectively for local mobiles and fixed lines.
There is a huge Mobile war brimming in the recent days. A few days ago, Reliance Communications (RCom) announced free unlimited outgoing calls to any local Reliance mobile phone.
But I personally wouldn't like to do any business with Tata Indicom as I've had a bad experience before trusting some of their schemes.
Tata Indicom has introduced a new 'Freedom Call Voucher' which is a pre-paid mobile card of Rs 325 with talk time worth Rs 150 valid for a period of 30 days.
Applicable both for fixed and mobile phones, Tata Indicom's newest offer allows users make free, unlimited calls within the network. Whereas, outgoing calls to other networks are charged at 49 paise per minute and 99 paise per minute respectively for local mobiles and fixed lines.
There is a huge Mobile war brimming in the recent days. A few days ago, Reliance Communications (RCom) announced free unlimited outgoing calls to any local Reliance mobile phone.
But I personally wouldn't like to do any business with Tata Indicom as I've had a bad experience before trusting some of their schemes.