How to easily Deal with the VIRUS Menace?

The ever present threat can never be taken lightly and any amount of information on the virus and its aftermath is useless unless ‘You’ as a PC user wake up to this menace. So Lets look how to recognize a virus attack and how to guard your computer against it.

Below is a Checklist To Detect VIRUS Infections

You know that a virus has hit you when:

  • The hard drive is running out of disk space for no apparent reason.

  • Notice that various .EXE and .COM programs have increased in size for no reason.

  • Notice substantial hard drive activity, but were not expecting it.

  • System performance has slowed down noticeably.

  • Files have been lost or corrupted for no apparent reason.

  • There are an unusual number of access problems.

  • The system locks up frequently or without explanation.

Guard Your Computer Against The Virus Menace :

Never open an e-mail attachment if you are not sure what it contains. It may be from a friend, but before opening the attachment, check up with the person who has sent it. Be even more careful of attachments that have the extensions .vbs or .exe. These are the most common program files in which viruses are written. Word and Excel files should also be looked at with suspicion, if you don’t know who the sender is. These files could contain macro viruses.

Always have a good anti-virus software installed on your computer. An anti-virus is very essential to keep malicious viruses at bay. But new viruses are developed and unleashed on a daily basis so you have to make it a point to update them regularly after they are loaded.

Update Your Virus Software :

Since new types of viruses are invented every day by people who haven't yet got the opportunity to utilise their time in a better manner, it is a must that you update the virus detection software in your machine on a regular basis. Fortunately, these updates can be done for free. If you haven't got anti-virus software installed in your machine, please do as soon as

Run a virus software check on a regular basis if you use floppies on a regular basis or download files from the net or receive files through email regularly. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself from a virus attack is to never open an email attachment that you do not recognise however tempting the file name might be. Most common viruses that attach themselves and go from the sender to the recipient automatically (that is even though a send command for that particular item was not executed) are exe and gif files.
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