The easy method :
Download a piece of software from Petter Nordhal-Hagen’s website. But, before that be warned that this method involves the manipulating of Vista's SAM database which is always a bit risky. You will need to create a boot disk (CD) from the downloaded software and this will then help you to manipulate the Vista's SAM database.
I would like to re-assure you at this point that I have had to use this cool tool a couple of times on a Windows 2000 Server Box before and have never had any problem :) . Since, the new version of this cool software supports Windows Vista - so I can recomend the same.
The harder method:
In this method you will need to have a Windows Vista Password Reset Disk handy which will enable you to reset your password easily. But the point to note is that you should have created a Vista Password Reset Disk earlier in the first place.
This is how you can create a Vista Password Reset Disk:
- In the Vista's Start Menu search box type the word "user accounts". Click on the User Accounts Panel which will open.
- Click on the option Create a password reset disk found on the left navigation bar (The first one on the left - below Tasks).
- Run the Forgotten Password Wizard which will open. Insert a floppy disk or a USB memory disk.
- After you have inserted the storage device click on the Next button. Select your drive and then Next.
- Now you'll need to type your current Vista user account password and click Next.
- That's it the password reset disk will be created.
- Now keep the Vista Password Reset Disk in a safe location.
When you have forgotten your Vista Password - type the wrong password and press Enter.
- Just below the Error Message you will have a link saying Reset password. Click that link and follow the instructions. You're done!!