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Stan Lee Taught Me Everything I Need to Know in Life
OK, perhaps Stan Lee didn't coin the phrase and put in Spider Man's Uncle Ben's mouth the phrase, "With great power comes great responsibility." That was originally coined in 1892 by Thomas Gilroy when he was the Mayor-elect of New York. Ironically, he said it in an interview with the NY Times.
Which is why it's borderline ironic that the Times, in a "hit piece", according to hate merchant Pam Geller, tied the Atlas Shrugged blogger to the massacre in Norway. Actually, the Times did no such thing but merely relayed what had been divulged by Norwegian police. Apparently, the alleged shooter, Anders Breivik, had cited right wing lunatics like Geller and Robert Spenser as his inspiration to carry out the Nazi-style execution that took the lives of at least 92 people.
Because the likes of Geller, Spenser and the Gates of Vienna are simply incapable of understanding that with great power, such as freedom of speech, comes great responsibility and the reckless exercise of those powers can lead to consequences such as what we've recently seen in Norway.
Media Matters has done its homework and has cataloged some of Geller's greatest hits from the past, paying particular attention to Geller's irrationally hateful rhetoric toward Islam. In fact, with the peculiarly demented genius for intellectual contortionism, Geller recently whined, "If anyone incited him to violence, it was Islamic supremacists.” In other words, "We can still blame the Muslims for this massacre." Despite the fact that the American Islamic Congress had already condemned the massacre, as has the Islamic Council of Norway.
(Pardon me while I turn away and address Geller directly on camera three.)
No, Bikini Girl, it's you and your odious, hateful ilk that incited him to violence. With great power, such as the kind conferred on you by a douchebag literary agent and publisher, not to mention Fox "News" that, in some sick, incestuous relationship, mainstreams you like Richard Pryor free-basing crack, comes great responsibility. But responsibility to racist assholes like you isn't sexy and there's no percentage in it.
And please don't compare yourself to John Lennon or Jodi Foster. John Lennon never advocated violence any more than Jodi Foster advocated shooting the president. John Lennon was a Grammy Award-winning composer and world-class humanist and Ms. Foster an Academy Award-winning actress.
You are a hateful, screaming cunt, plain and simple. If chlamydia or yeast infections could speak, it would sound exactly like you. The very fact that you're generously referenced on Fox "News" and even used as a source, the very fact that you have a literary agent while writers of actual talent and lucidity do not and the very fact that you have a book deal is an indictment of the sickness of this nation.
The very fact that people listen to the likes of you, and enriching you in the process, is symptomatic of the mental and cultural degradation of this once-great nation. And the fact that you would even dare mention yourself in the same sentence as John Lennon's name in the interests of self-victimization, one of the greatest pacifists who ever lived, is a dishonor to his memory and I hope Yoko Ono bitch-slaps you until you shit falafel out of every orifice.
When you constantly inveigh against an entire religion and base a lucrative career upon the manufacture of such hate, you need to accept at least some measure of responsibility and culpability for inspiring those who are willing to cross the line and massacre dozens.
In short, you succeeded where Glenn Beck failed. Glenn Beck was found to have been a direct inspiration for Byron Williams, the wouldbe mass murderer who was on his way to the Tides Foundation to kill liberals before being pulled over by CHiP officers.
Glenn Beck, as has Robert Spenser and you, took the cowardly way out. "Oh, I had nothing to do with this, despite being specifically named by the wouldbe shooter by Williams as an inspiration for his planned massacre just as unambiguously as Breivik named you in his 1500 page manifesto.
The media insist on giving hate merchants such as you, Beck and company a free pass by saying, "Oh, while it would be unfair to blame [insert right wing nut job's name here] for the gunman's agenda..." but I will not.
Because spittle-spewing right wing cunts such as you need to understand and accept that with great power comes responsibility, however inexplicable and undeserved that power. History will one day decide that you were on the wrong side of it by waging your personal jihad on a large and multifaceted religion that may not have even had anything to do with 9/11.
9/11 and the nearly 3000 people who died provided the likes of you and Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and Hal Turner and Bill O'Reilly and other right wing abortions and racist douchebags with Cincinnati-sized megaphones that reach all the way to Oakland and Oslo. You and your editors and literary agents need to be spreadeagled on a large wooden wheel and used at every state fair as a target whereby you are bombarded with the millions of unsold copies of your books, hard cover editions.
And may the God you pretend to champion for shits, giggles and filthy lucre have mercy on your withered soul.