Guest # 3 - Paul Hunt

One of Brisbane's finest couture fashion designers, Paul Hunt was only too happy to be involved in our Summer Vignette photo shoot.  Paul has long been a wonderful customer and supporter of Black & Spiro and we were so thrilled to have him in our Summer Vignette.  He certainly is one stylish lad. 

Here's what Paul had to say about Christmas...

What has been your most memorable Christmas?
There have been so many! One was at home in Glen Innes before I moved to Brisbane. After lunch we all lay on the floor listening to old records of Monty Python- we laughed and laughed.

What is a Christmas tradition in your family?
When we are all together the roast lunch is always a must to our Christmas.

Where are you celebrating Christmas this year?
With my loved one.

What are you giving for Christmas this year?
Who knows???? Haven't had time to think yet.

What do you hope to receive for Christmas this year?
Well a puppy would be nice but I know that's not practical. So maybe a gold fish for starters!!!!

What does Christmas mean to you?
It means being with loved ones. Oh and holidays :-)

Hope you get that gorgeous puppy Paul!!  Happy Holidays and thanks for being part of our Summer Vignette!!

PS.  If you haven't already visited our online store, here's the 
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