Open Thread: Assclowns of the Year #4?

Late last summer/early fall, I got a great jump start on my annual year-end feature, amassing loads of pictures, links and about two thirds of my dishonorees for 2011. Then I developed a problem with my laptop and had to set it back to factory standards to get C++ and other programs to work again. This, of course, meant that I lost all my files and programs, including the document where I got a running start on Assclowns of the Year #4 that I stupidly didn't bother to save on disk.

So, considering I'm starting relatively late in assembling this feature, we're probably looking at a New Year's Day debut before this comes out although I'd like to give ya'll a Christmas present. You could help me out immensely by making some suggestions as to who you think should be the top 50 assclowns of the year. Try to think outside the box and avoid obvious targets like Bachmann, Bush, Perry, Obama, etc. I can't look for .jpegs or hyperlinkage if I don't know who I'm writing about.
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