No Ho Ho Ho No Mo!

Its apparently someone who was offended.

Bah Humbug on them I say!

A year without Santa Claus - USPS carrier not allowed to deliver while wearing Santa Claus suit
Bellvue Reporter -

While dreams of Santa popping down the chimney on Christmas Eve to deliver presents were extinguished for most during childhood, a select few Bellevue residents have seen St. Nick trade in his sleigh for a mail truck.

Until now.

For more than a decade now, letter carrier Bob McLean has driven around Bellevue each holiday season, delivering a little Christmas cheer while wearing a full Santa getup for two or three days. But this year, a local grinch complained to the U.S. Postal Service, and McLean has been banned from bringing his alter ego to work this year.

The rest of the story:
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