You're a mean one Mr. Grinch!

You see this is one of the reasons I like working for Comal County.  The elected officials and Department heads dug deep into their own pockets to cover the loss and help their employees enjoy the Christmas lunch.

Other counties wouldn't even have this kind of get together let alone have the folks in charge give generously to "make" the Holidays a little more fun and full of the spirit of generosity.

(Full disclosure here; my daughter won a gift card at the party yesterday)
If you have any information please Contact Crime Stoppers by phone at (830) 620-TIPS, via the web, or send an SMS text to CRIMES (274637)and COMAL.

Grinch steals county employee's Christmas gifts
By Greg BowenNew Braunfels Herald-Zeitung
NEW BRAUNFELS — In a crime right out of “How the Grinch StoleChristmas,” burglars broke into Comal County offices on Church HillDrive in New Braunfels and made off with a stack of wrappedpresents all ready to be given out at Wednesday’s employeeChristmas luncheon.

Comal County Judge Sherman Krause said the thieves not only madeoff with an office laptop and a Christmas gift that had been givento County Commissioner Jan Kennady, but also focused on theChristmas party gifts, which were intended as door prizes.

“It looked like they really targeted those gifts, which were allwrapped and ready to go to the Christmas party,” Krause said.

The rest of the story:

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