Light Your Candles

I can't believe that we are now in the month of December!

The good news is that I am pretty much done with all of my Christmas shopping! I still have a few things to get done for our children, but I have completed all of the shopping for the extended families. Yay :)

The not so good news is that the next 30 days will probably be here and gone before we know it. I love this month and all that it has to offer. I wish the decorations and feeling could stay all year.

Christmas music has been on in my house for the past two weeks and I have pulled out a few decorations for the inside. I can't do too much because our house in under construction, but I have done some. The music, desserts, the Christmas cards, the nativity set on my counter...what a sense of peace the atmosphere gives me!

Yesterday, I spent some time at my mom's with my sister-in-law, grandma and a few neices. We worked on some games and other items for my sister-in-law's baby shower. I am a proud auntie to 9 neices! They make me happy :) 

Our daughters with a few of our neices.

Now in a few weeks, I will become an auntie to my very first nephew... My little brother Kissyfur and his beautiful wife will be having the first baby boy.

Next week the construction on my house moves indoors. I did find out that our new color for the exterior paint was approved...which is just spectacular! I can't wait to see the finished product.

I wanted to share a few words I found the other day...

A reporter interviewing A.J. Muste, who during the Vietnam War stood in front of the White House night after night with a candle, one rainy night asked,"Mr. Muste, do you really think you are going to change the policies of this country by standing out here alone at night with a candle?" Muste replied, "Oh, I don't do it to change the country, I do it so the country won't change me.

I was impressed by those words! It is so important for us to be aware of who we are, who we want to be and the values we want to hold on to. The world around us can influence us and affect us greatly, IF we allow it to...

So I say let us light our candles friends

...and have a fabulous day! xo
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