Is There a Hero in Your Husband?

Today, I wanted to share a link from Focus on the Family that I found to be so inspiring and interesting. You will definitely want to take the time to listen to this clip.

Marriage is a wonderful thing, but it can also be difficult at times. There are things we can do to make our marriages easier and our homes more peaceful. The first thing we can do is focus on our own attitude. 

Dr. Juli Slattery reminds us of Proverbs 14:1, "The wise woman builds her home, but the foolish woman tears it down with her own hands."

A few days ago, when I came home to a very frustrated and angry husband, because of our dog incident, I had two thoughts. One was to let his anger affect my mood and get angry right back. The other was to stay calm, sympathize and appreciate him. I do not always make the right choice, but this time I did! I listened, let him cool off and then a few minutes later, laid on the couch with him and told him I was sorry it happened. I have learned that if I keep "happy, peaceful thoughts" in mind, it is more likely that I will continue to be a supporter, encourager and peacemaker. When I choose to love him and let things blow over, it does not take very long for the mood to subside and we end up having a peaceful night.

What is your tone? How do you react when your husband is in a bad mood? Do you sympathize with what the cause could be? Are you your husband’s encourager? Or do you get angry too?

This clip also reminds us how we have the power to build our husbands up. Dr. Juli Slattery says, "Every woman is painting a picture of her husband." her family, her friends, to her community and to her children. She asks, "Are you painting a hero?"

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