Work-related carcinogens need more scrutiny

A breast cancer survivor who was exposed to a toxic mix of cancer-causing chemicals on the job at a plastic factory 20 years ago is warning that the health of workers still isn't protected enough.

Sandy Knight, a former health and safety chairperson at a plastics factory in Windsor, Ont., now speaks to men and women about potentially dangerous substances in the workplace.

She says she hears about five-minute brush-up sessions on the dangers, which Knight calls little help when an industry has high worker turnover rates.

"I was just so amazed to hear what's going on," the Burlington, Ont., resident said. "You're doing what we did back in the '80s," such as working without adequate ventilation.

Provincial and federal laws regulate the use of known cancer-causing substances in the workplace, but some experts say workplace exposure to carcinogens has not come under enough scrutiny. Read More
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