Intentional Parenting: Chore Charts

I love being a mom.
I can't even begin to describe all those ooh-ey goo-ey feelings
that consume my little mommy heart!

Parenting isn't all hugs and kisses,
but at this stage in our life,
most days are easy and enjoyable!

The girls are still at the age where they love to do everything with us,
and when there is work to get done,
we are a team.

I do know that as a parent
I have to be intentional in everything I do.

I am always teaching all of our kids to be helpful, grateful,
considerate and responsible.
I am AWESOME at guiding, correction and reinforcing positive behavior,
but I really lack when it comes to 
following through on discipline for the negative behavior!

When it comes to the girls forgetting to do things I asked them to do,
or when their grumpiness becomes rude,
I have no problem correcting them.
I just never following through with the consequences.
Yikes! I know.
I'm a big ol' softy when it comes to tears.

I can't even remember 
the last time I ever actually removed privelages from either one of them.
I always give second chances
and allow them to promise it won't happen again.
Positive reinforcement has helped,
but it doesn't always work consistently.

So one of my many goals for this year is to stick to "plans."
One thing I want to stay on top of are the chore charts.
I have done them in the past,
and the girls respond to them really well.

When the girls have their chores written down
I do not have to remind them of their daily responsibilities.
&&& that's just great, because most days
if I do not remind them to do even the little things
like brush their teeth,
or put lotion on they will skip those tasks.

While chores do not excite my kids,
check off sheets and rewards do!

So I picked up $2 white boards at Target, and
the girls and I made a few flowers to glue onto the magnets.

They really enjoyed making the flowers
so we ended up making some extra for their hair.

There is a sense of accomplishment
when a child can get a visual of all that he/she has done.

Let the motivation begin!

Some people regard discipline as a chore.
For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

Loving discipline encourages a child to respect
other people and live as a responsible, constructive citizen.
~Dr. James Dobson

For these commands are a lamp,
this teaching is a light,
and the corrections of discipline are the way to life.
~Proverbs 6:23
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