Tooting his own horn


Conflate your role much?

Woman gets probation for witness tampering
By Dalondo MoultrieNew Braunfels Herald-Zeitung

NEW BRAUNFELS — A Comal County judge on Monday gave a womanprobation instead of a possible two-year state jail term in hercase of tampering with a witness and endangering a child.

Judge Gary L. Steel sentenced Nancy Carolyn Knowles, 38, of NewBraunfels, to 75 days in Comal County Jail, and ordered that aslong as Knowles continues working her job at The Scooter Store, shecan serve the time on weekends only.

“I saved her from prison,” Knowles’ defense attorney Ted Wood saidoutside the court after the punishment hearing Mondayafternoon.

The rest of the story:

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