After paying out $275 to replace an alternator, Mr. JP and I almost got into an accident at the mall when I had to stand on my brakes to avoid T-boning some idiot who suddenly pulled out halfway into my lane. The sudden trauma to the brakes resulted in an immediate blown brake line seal. I'm amazed that we were able to get home on 5-6 miles of snowy roads and to do so in one piece.
Update: The brake lines are rotted. The mechanic just dropped us off at home after telling us we're looking at another $280-$300 in repairs, although he refuses to be pinned down by his own estimate. It could very well be more than $300, which we barely have. So anything you could do would be greatly appreciated because this new job is going to set us way back again. As with before, anyone who can help us will get a free copy of either The Toy Cop or American Zen.
(Update 2: The mechanic says the bill is now $601+ and that I should be happy it's not more. That's $100 more than I have in the bank. Please help in any way you can.)