"Published Author"

What follows is an amazingly brainless series of tweets from Christine O'Donnell's cell phone. She's trying to tell the story of how she got invited, then disinvited, then reinvited and re-disinvited from the Tea Bagger rally in Indianola, Iowa when the Palin camp kept threatening to pull out if O'Donnell's invitation wasn't rescinded. She starts out with a semblance of literacy by tweeting...

From here on in, it all goes downhill when Christine just simply can't distinguish or acknowledge the different formats and purposes between Twitter and Facebook. And you'd think, with some of her book signings only attracting five people or less, she'd have more time to proof-read her tweets before sending them out to her nearly 16,000 followers. But if you thought that, you'd be misinformed.

True to Republican form. it didn't take her very long to start blaming the liberal media for a vast left wing conspiracy of obsfucation and division...


Riiight. Because we know the shy, humble and retiring Sarah Palin would never upstage a fellow Republican and make unreasonable demands despite the fact that the Tea Party confirmed they'd heard several times from the Palin camp that'd refused to confirm their place until it was announced that O'Donnell, now the Typhoid Mary of politics, was out for good.

And then...

Obviously, she's completely forgotten about her Facebook account by now and insists on getting out ASAP the word about this vast left wing conspiracy and so-called Tea Bagger unity.

Then, seconds later...

Then, this...

...followed by...

...then finally, to the brilliant peroration...

Lord only knows how she got "oxen" by default considering what she eventually went with. But it's pretty typical for O'Donnell to blame her cell phone and not the idiot holding it.

Why am I getting the suspicion that she'd written her book entirely on her cell phone?
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