Agree to Disagree

My husband and I had a disagreement a few months into our marriage. So minor in fact, that I do not even remember what it was about. I do remember that I stayed in another room for about 20 minutes. I chose to be angry and to stay hurt. It is true. I was fully aware that I made the choice to stay mad. Our emotions do not control us, we control them. Staying angry is a choice that we make. After 20 minutes of thinking, I began emptying the dishwasher. As he passed through the kitchen, we both looked up at each other. I knew that we were both being stubborn, so I smiled. He smiled back, walked over, and hugged me. We apologized and agreed that we should not let our stubbornness get in the way next time.

Any relationship is bound to have arguments. They can be unavoidable at times. Finances, stress, lack of sleep, children, and so many other issues can affect our dispositions. However, minor disagreements can often create future problems in the relationship, because one person chooses to harbor negative feelings. I have seen couples argue about what to do on a Friday night and then ignore each other for days. It is crazy, but it happens. Holding on to anger only results in unnecessary pain, and anger is bad for the body! Speak your mind, then agree to disagree. Life is easier when we allow little disagreements to blow over.
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