Togetherness, A Guest Post & A Giveaway

This weekend my hubby had to work out of town and since it was a road trip, and an off weekend with our kids, I was able to tag along.
It is always nice to have a few days filled with...options.  

During the two days that my husband was away at work and I was alone, I found time to write, use the motel gym, read, browse a few stores across the street and I even took a nap!
Although, I must admit, all I really wanted was my family.
I had time to do whatever I wanted and to spend some 'me' time, but I felt like I spent most of my time waiting.
It is funny, because a few years ago, I had a ton of 'me' time.
Now whenever I get it, I spend most of my time looking forward to 'us' time.
When my husband finally got back, I was thrilled!

The first night, we ended up staying in and relaxing in the hot tub, and the second night we met some friends out for dinner.
Then, yesterday we headed home.
Little getaways are always nice, especially in a marriage.
We get a change of scenery and a little extra time to focus on each other.
I absolutely enjoy every minute I get to spend with my hubby, and I appreciate the quiet times too, but I am just so happy to have my family back together.

On our way in, we picked up the kids, greeted our little dog, spent the afternoon cleaning out the garage, caught the end of the game and went for a walk.
It was not quite as relaxing as the day before, it was better.
 We were together.
After I had some help with dinner, I said, "Having daughters is awesome!"
Our daughter Trinity said, "I know, what would you do without me?"
Then she mentioned that I "would have to hang around dad all the time."
I had to laugh, because I know what I do without my family.
I spend a whole lot of time missing them, loving them and praying for them.


Today, I have a guest post at My Crazy Adoption. Please head over and check it out. If you have a moment to peruse, please do so, I promise you will love this site!

We still have a few days left for my giveaway, so click here to enter to win if you have not already!

Today, I am linking up at Marriage Mondays.


May your day be filled with lots of togetherness!

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