Better have iPad finder enabled

Great idea.

My concern?  Who steals textbooks?

Plenty of folks will steal iPads.  I hope no one will get hurt.

NBISD approves iPad initiative
By Drew StoneNew Braunfels Herald-Zeitung

NEW BRAUNFELS — New Braunfels freshmen will be given iPadsinstead of text books this fall.

After months of discussion, the New Braunfels ISD Board of Trusteesvoted to buy 700 electronic tablets for its incoming ninth-graders.The decision was made on Wednesday night at the board’s monthlymeeting in the NBISD Education Center Board Room, 430 W. MillSt.

The vote received unanimous approval, and even garnered a strongshow of support from trustees Sherry Harrison and Rob Johnson —both of whom appeared less than enthusiastic about the proposalduring last month’s board meeting.

The rest of the story:
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