Here's what led up to the posting below

Big times, big times.

$43,000 Party! More lavish spending by CPS Energy on your tab 
By Brian Collister - WOAI

SAN ANTONIO -- CPS Energy got approval last year to begin raising your rates after complaining it was strapped for cash. What the city-owned utility failed to mention at the time is that it uses some of your hard earned money to pay for lavish meals and parties.

Lionel Johnson says he recently had problems with his electricity meter that he says caused his bills to skyrocket. The disabled war veteran is on a fixed income.

“Being on a fixed income, if it escalates, I’m in big trouble. So if it goes up $20, that means I have to take away from my food to pay the bill,” Johnson told us.

What Lionel didn't realize until I showed him the receipt is that some of his money is going to pay for things like a $7,000 going away party for a CPS Energy board member.

The rest of the story:
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