Loser boy found guilty and sentenced to 40 years

He'll do 20 before he's even considered eligible for parole.

It seems like he had it all and he's pissed it away.

Apparently one of those types who has to have everything and couldn't deal with the rejection by the victim, Dana Clair Edwards, may she rest in peace.

Ford handed 40 years in ex-girlfriend's death
By Craig Kapitan - Express-News

A jury found Jon Thomas Ford guilty of murder Friday in the strangulation of Dana Clair Edwards, and — after listening to her father and a dozen of the defendant's friends during a punishment hearing — sentenced him to 40 years in prison.

Ford was taken into custody after the sentence was announced.

Because they were potential witnesses, parents Darrell and Deborah Edwards spent most of the four-week trial sitting in a corridor outside the courtroom — a black backpack always by their side.
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