Night of the loving dead

You would think you wouldn't have to make it illegal wouldn't you?

Apparently not.

Sex with the dead?  Illinois bill would make it illegal
By Terry Hillig

ALTON • Spurred by cases in which bodies of overdose victimswere moved to thwart investigations, Illinois state Rep. DanBeiser, D-Alton, is sponsoring a bill to make unauthorized movementof a corpse a felony.

It also would criminalize something that even Madison CountyCoroner Steve Nonn thought was already illegal — having sex withthe dead.

Beiser said he introduced the legislation at the request ofMadison County State's Attorney Tom Gibbons and other lawenforcement officials. Gibbons called the relocation of overdosevictims an "impediment to investigation" in several cases.

Prohibiting sex with a dead body corrects an obvious omission inthe law, Beiser said.
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