"That's life."
"It’s part of life."
"That is how life goes."
It seems as though
I’ve been saying these types of things a lot lately.
I was talking with my hubby the other day,
because at times I wonder if
I am a little tough on our girls.
I am a very compassionate and sensitive person,
and sometimes when things don't go their way
I want to coddle them,
but I find that I rarely do.
I have realized that
I want our kids to be sensitive and strong,
but mostly grateful!
I want them to understand that
in this life,
things don't always go our way.
Life can be hard,
but the worst thing we can do is
and feel sorry for ourselves.
The amount of happiness
we have in our life,
truly depends on
I am hoping to raise them to
be the type of people
that can and will
find the good
in every situation.
I want them to choose happiness...
Life isn’t always perfect,
But it can be great,
in spite of
the imperfections.
People aren't always perfect,
but our relationships
can be wonderful
in spite of
the flaws.
We are human.
Living active,
busy lives,
connecting with other people
for one reason or another
on a daily basis, and
those connections
can be beautiful...
if we allow them to be,
and if we
choose to enjoy what's good.
We can’t enjoy each other,
if we criticize everything
the people in our lives do.
We can’t enjoy this life,
if we focus on
unfulfilled expectations.
We are all made differently,
with different opinions,
and interests,
what's great is that we can be happy
if we learn to
appreciate the differences
and rather than trying to change them,
we focus on changing
our perspective.
Not everyone is going to see things
the way that I do.
No one person
is ever going to live up to my expectations,
because those expectations,
are mine.
My expectations,
belong to me.
The only one
that will ever live up to
your standards
is you.
We have to realize that
we are not always going to live up to other
people's expectations,
and they will not always meet ours,
and that is okay!
If people are not
complaining about us,
to us,
it is not
because we are perfect.
More than likely
it is just because
have learned to love us
just the way we are.
A lot can be said for people who
have learned to not let
their "unmet expectations"
resonate with them,
ruin their day
or affect their attitude towards others.
Truly loving others is accepting them
for the good things
that they bring to
our lives.
No one is perfect,
and life
is not always
the perfect party.
The other day,
I found myself saying these words...
that piñata
is going to get broken
before we have a chance to hit it.
It is unfortunate, but
what we focus on (after) is up to us.
We can cry about how unfair it is,
you know,
poor me...
Oh, we stood in that line for so long!
Oh we thought we would have a chance to hit it!
Oh that was our one chance at fun for the day!
Or we can choose to be grateful,
you know,
lucky me...
I am so happy I was invited!
I am glad I got to stand in line next to people that I love!
How nice it was to see the look of excitement
on the face
of (the person) that got to break it.
I am choosing to be happy
for them,
and for me!
There is always a bright side...
(so enjoy the candy that you get afterwards,)
be thankful for the
that is still left in your day.
Don't be so busy complaining about all of the things
that didn’t happen
exactly the way you had hoped,
that you are neglecting
to appreciate all of the good things
that surround you.
Choose to enjoy and share the joy
of the people that are there with you.
We can choose happiness
and gratitude.
How we see life,
and others around us
is up to us.
We create our own perspective.
How we live it,
and how we treat the people involved,
is all up to us.
Life is messy,
and complicated,
we have the option to make the
complicated situations
even more complicated
we have the option to
pick our battles and
find the good in each situation.
Life happens.
part about it
is that
we have the option
love it.