My hubby has been out of town all week.
I miss him when he is gone.
They say,
"When the cat is away,
the mice will play,"
I never use my time to play.
I find that I prefer to use the time alone to work.
To clean.
To organize.
But mostly,
to get chores and projects done.
Our bedroom, for instance,
was a disaster area all week!
I was able to leave my scrapbook supplies in piles all over the floor.
I knew the hubby wouldn't be around
to get up in the middle of the night
and accidentally step on something
that might
hurt him.
When my husband is gone,
I also look at it as an opportunity to spend some
quality time with my little girl.
She and I had a nice week together.
Like last night,
as I sorted supplies, she laid next to me
on the floor working on her Valentine's Day cards
and school mailbox.
that she feels comfortable enough
to break the silence
and confide in me about things
like her "crush"
and which Valentine card he would be getting!
Those are the moments that make me smile and
and appreciate that we have that kind of relationship.
I am glad that she talks to me about things,
and I pray that she always does.
I pray that I have the wisdom to say the right things,
at the right times,
I pray that when she is older,
she will remember moments like this.
That she will grow up to be
All kidding aside! ;)
I aspire for her, to aspire to be, a Proverbs 31 girl.
That works with her hands.
That can find a hundred things to do
at work,
and at home,
wherever her future may take her.
The kind of woman that stays motivated and busy
doing productive things,
using the gifts, that God has given her.
The kind of woman a husband can trust.
That a child can look up to.
That a friend can call on.
That she,
can be proud of.
As her mother,
I can't even imagine her ever doing
that would not
make me proud.
I just love my “little mouse” so much!
I don’t expect perfection,
Just effort,
And as her mother,
it is my job
to help shape her into the kind of person
who cares enough to try.
This morning,
as I folded the laundry,
and finished getting the house in order for
my hubby’s arrival,
I heard the words,
“At the end of the day
you should be content with where you have been
and proud of who you are.”
And I jotted it down,
The words reminded me of my mom.
I thought of her life.
I thought of mine.
Then I thought of my daughter’s.
I watched my mom,
all those years ago.
Working in the home,
while my dad was at work, and out of town.
I didn’t know that she was shaping me at the time,
but she was,
and she knew it.
A mother’s legacy…
it has to be one of the most precious gifts ever given.