So much sweetness in this life...
Yep, I am a foodie.
I love it.
My hubby and I love trying new recipes,
and 10 days ago
we received a new one,
I had never heard of this bread before,
so I was pretty excited to receive it,
but also a little nervous to try it.
Ooh, the pressure...
My friend gave me a bag of dough,
that came with 10 days of instructions.
What if I mess up the recipe and my friend asks me how it turns out?!
What if I tell people about the bread, then ruin it and
I don't get to give any out?
Can you believe I was nervous about bread?
Well, I was!
I'm a “what if” girl.
I have a tendency to let fears get to me.
I'm an often quiet, shy girl,
who sometimes worries about mistakes
I even make them!
I'm a lot of other things too.
I just have to
to remind
myself sometimes.
I'm a creative type.
I'm a wife, mother, step-mother, and friend.
I’m a personal chef, chauffeur and a baker.
I’m a college grad and homemaker.
A former school teacher, a scrapbooker and a maid.
I’m a freelance/blog writer and avid reader.
I’m a child care coordinator, and personal events planner.
I’m responsible, compassionate,
careful, and loyal.
I’m a nifty, thrifty, crafty girl,
And a savvy problem solver might I add.
I wear many hats.
I try lots of things.
I have experience.
Yet, even after
all of the things that
I know,
I still
at times
spend time
About the things
I don’t.
I am smart
enough to know,
some things just don’t matter.
Who cares if I make a mistake,
life will go on.
And as I have gotten older,
I have learned to worry
(a little) less
and to say
who cares
(a little) more.
The days goes by so fast,
I shouldn't stress about silly things.
Sometimes I get it right.
Sometimes I don’t.
I don’t have to
worry about everything
and care so much
because I know that
cares enough for the both of us.
Yet, still,
I have my moments
and on occasion
I'll find myself nervous,
only to discover
that I worried for no reason at all.
Everything turned out better than expected.
Just like ~ this bread ~ last night.
even if it wouldn't have turned out perfectly,
I would have been just fine,
after all...
making mistakes is part of the growing process…
in the kitchen,
in life.
And I do realize that the best part of this bread,
Wasn't the bread itself,
but the
that came with it!
30 – 3 things old seen new…dinner trays repainted, journals retyped, new blossoms on our old bush
31 – a gift on a paper, in a person, in a picture…a card I found while cleaning that was given to my hubby a few years ago, my mother-in-law’s call (who’s bday was today), a drawing along with a hole in the wall, because my niece unexpectedly tacked a picture up for me in my office
1 – a visit from a friend, his time and love, putting together a puzzle with the kids
2 - hubby won a trip, she’s happy to go because she loves him, the power is in believing
3 – clarity, expression, revelation
4 - invitations made with my little one, a newly hatched bird in her cage, crumbs she left… because she was home
5 – a blouse from my friend, the bench that my hubby made with me, her red heart blanket