Surviving the Storm

Sometimes when we notice the clouds
We do not think much about them
Just that there is a possibility of rain ahead
But sometimes
The clouds become darker than expected
The world becomes gray
The sunshine disappears
And a storm arrives
There is very little light
Peeking through the sky

Just clouds hovering
Rain falling
Hail pounding
Winds uprooting
Lightening striking
Thunder echoing
There is fear
There is potential danger
There is damage
There is anger
Sometimes we hide from the storm
Sometimes we fight to survive the storm
We use shelter to protect us
If we are lucky, our shelter does keep us safe
But sometimes when the storm passes
Even though we may have survived
Other things may have not
Sometimes our shelter is damaged beyond repair
Sometimes we lose things during the storm

We are confused
So we mourn our losses
Then we salvage what is left
Of us
And of our things
We may at times feel despair or anger
But we hold onto hope
Our faith helps us to grow from that storm
We learn
The storm may have threatened us
Threatened our livelihood
~our health
~our well-being
~our family
~our spirit
~our shelter
But it did not win
We feel grateful
Even though it did not feel like we were winning at the time
We did!
We rebuild
And repair
And eventually we find that
What is,
Is much better than what was
What was,
barely survived
It was barely holding on
What is left
Is a survivor!

Because of the storm
This time around
We are more appreciative of what we have
More understanding of what we need
We enjoy the sunny days a little more
We are little more protective of what we have built
We understand the impending hazards
So this time around we build stronger barriers
Shelter that will survive the next storm
We know that little storms
May come without warning
And may go without leaving a trace
But we are aware that they were there
And that it is not uncommon for a few circling clouds,
To change instantly
To become a whirlwind of problems and devastation
But the next time
When the next storm arrives
We will be ready!

Being a survivor is not just enduring the storm, it is also coming to terms with the storm and repairing any damage it may have caused. Sometimes being a survivor is being ready before the next storm hits or perhaps, noticing the signs that a storm may be ahead.  

This month is about one storm in particular. A storm that no woman wants to deal with, but many women have, Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer is just one of the many storms that many women and their families face. Are you giving yourself a breast check regularly? Are you watching for the signs?
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