Jim Carrey No Longer Hilarious, Still Likable, Now Banging Models

The Huffington Post - A model rebound, if true. Jim Carrey, who broke up with Jenny McCarthy in April, was photographed Thursday night in New York holding hands with Anchal Joseph, a former 'America's Next Top Model' contestant. Joseph is 24-years old -- Carrey is 49.

I caught James Carrey on SNL a few weeks back and while he wasn't nearly as funny on that show as he was before, the dude is still incredibly likable. Maybe it's just because my generation grew up with him on In Living Color and in Ace Ventura, I dunno. I still like him. And I'm happy to see that he's freakin off with hot Indian models after breakin up with that farty crazyperson Jenny McCarthy. Love Indian girls.

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