Kensington Strangler Caught! ...Probably.

CBS/AP - PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - The crimes in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia were grisly: At least three young women were found strangled to death after being sexual assaulted in November and December. Others came forward saying they had barely survived similar such attacks.
Now, police believe that DNA evidence that was run through their offender database has led them to their primary suspect, 21-year-old Antonio Rodriguez.

Detective Justin Frank went on to say "We are pretty confident he is the suspect." Nothing makes the women of Philadelphia feel safer than the police saying they're "pretty confident" they caught the right dude.

Also of note, the tipster is set to receive a whopping $37,000 reward for giving information leading to the suspect's arrest. That's 37 grand. Dude raped and strangled 3 women and raped and tried to strangle a bunch others. Rapist murderers: welcome to Philly. Where people don't snitch because they'll only get about $12,300 per person you rape/murder.
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