With each new day, I find myself appreciating many of the things I was oblivious to in the past. The everyday miracles, I would pass, rarely taking a moment to notice. I have lived in Arizona my entire life. A cactus was a cactus. A bird was a bird. Nothing more, nothing less.
Lately, I not only notice these things, but I indulge in them. Overindulge, perhaps. Everything is miraculous. Vibrant. Inviting. Breathtaking. New....
I love the way the mountains accentuate the landscape and how a cloud’s form can change from a fairy to a frog in minutes. A cactus is no longer a cactus, but a Saguaro, that comes in all different sizes and shapes. Some wilted and withered; some shelter to the wrens, while others stand strong and tall, displaying their colorful blooms, as they decorate the roadside.
When driving in the car with the kids I find myself (constantly) saying, “Wow, look at that tree, these flowers, those quails!” I am sure the children are in the back rolling their eyes, not quite as enthusiastic as I, but I find myself unable to stop. I have no desire to stop, really.
I want them to notice and to appreciate all of the glory this world has to offer. We have been blessed with the opportunity to wake up each day and witness such beauty. Each new day, truly is a gift.
I do not know where the road to tomorrow will take me, but I do know that wherever I go, I will be taking the scenic route.