Costumes & Bargains

Two years ago, I joined my ~very fabulous girlfriends~ on a costume hunt. We went to a few different thrift stores before Halloween and we were all going to dress UP in sports themed outfits. I had never done that before, so I was a little skeptical, especially since it was my first Halloween with my honey! I have always loved dressing up, but all of my costumes came in bags, had the accessories included, and came from major Halloween chains. To my SURPRISE, we found the clothing that we needed and only had to pay full price for the accessories. Not to mention we had so much fun doing it!

I was so impressed that a few months later, my hubby and I hit a few thrift stores looking for costumes for my mom's 50th birthday bash. Again, we lucked out! This time for ourselves and our kids. My girls also attended the party and found some great buys of their own.

This year I planned to do the same thing for Halloween. We decided on our theme for this year early enough to give us enough time to keep an eye out for ((awesome)) finds. My hubby wasn't really feeling the thrift stores this time, so he suggested we buy the costumes in a bag. I really wanted to give it a shot and try to create our own look, but told him that if we didn't have any luck I was fine with buying them in a bag. He was a good sport and went to 3 stores with me today. I hoped to find at the most, one piece of clothing, for either of us, but instead, we found everything! We decided to dress up as Indians and so I knew that we wanted the brown suede material, but even if we found the right items, there was a slim chance that they would fit us. I was certain it would take a few weeks to find something, if anything, but once again the thrift stores amazed me! :-) We found tops and bottoms for each of us and the combined total was under $15!

Jocelyn found a dress she "had to have" for $1. We will continue to buy the kid's costumes from the Halloween store, but I don't think I will ever buy a brand new costume for myself again! I am so addicted. It is so much fun finding random peices from different stores and putting them together. I LOVE making something out of nothing! Now, I'll be on the lookout for accessories. I plan to cut and fray our tops and my skirt. My outfit matches a pair of brown suede boots that I already own too! I love bargains. Yay, can't wait to share the final product.
Happy Sunday Friends!
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