Recognizing Invisible Women

Many wonderful people have been recognized by society, people that we can learn so much from. Yet, there are also many wonderful people who live remarkable lives that will go unnoticed. People whose beauty will only be witnessed by their family and friends. Yet, these remarkable people are not living with the hope that they will be recognized, seen or heard by others. They are not living with the hope that someday they will get the notoriety that they "deserve". They are simply living a life for God, the best way they know how. They are raising families. Teaching children. Loving others.These people, who will go unrecognized by most, do not care. They only want to be recognized by one. By Him. By their God.

These people who put every effort into doing for others. These people that speak kind words, do kind deeds and do all things with love. When I watched this video below it made me think of all of the wonderful women in my life. The women that were at home with their kids day in and day out, loving them, raising them and teaching them. Now that their children are grown they are at home with their grandchildren or taking care of their parents.

My Aunt with my mom, 2 remarkable women
The video below made me think of my mom, the most beautiful person I know. I was raised by the most wonderful mother anyone could ever ask for. A loving and compassionate woman. A woman of God. A selfless woman. A devoted wife of 33 years. A selfless mother who gave without ever expecting in return. A woman who even when faced with challenges or disappointment was filled with grace. A mother who many times spent no time on herself or for herself, even when she needed it the most.

I have known many beautiful women. I have grandmothers and aunts who have shown to be just as kind, compassionate, and selfless. My world is filled with beautiful and remarkable people. Remarkable to me. Not because they have lived perfect lives. Not because they have done something that has been recognized by many. Because they live for God. These women are not invisible to me! These women shaped me. These women amazed me. They still do.

I found the video below to be very humbling and inspiring! :)

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