By TWW friend Eric
The McNabb returning to Philly commentary has reached a breaking point. What I mean is that I want to break my television and the face of each idiot commenting on it. Am I bothered by those speaking on McNabb’s legacy and the upcoming game? Not at all. It’s the idiots who are using retard-strength crystal balls to predict fan reaction to his introduction that really grinds my gears.
After the jump, I'll call out a few of these clowns by name and continue to spit hot fire on them.
Let's start with Trent Dilfer. He predicted fans will boo and it will be “pathetic.” Well, Trent Dilfer, you’re pathetic. You just insulted an entire fan base for something that they haven’t done yet. You won a Super Bowl on a team led by a player that killed a guy. Your self deprecating humor is annoying, and your condescending tone indicates that you’re totally a dick in real life. I’d rather watch Merril Hoge - and I really hate Merril Hoge.
Jemele Hill did the same thing. I was actually a little upset to read her article, because I usually like what she writes. Let me paraphrase: Eagles fans are classless and will boo McNabb, which in-turn makes them more classless. Well Jemele, you are Trent Dilfer -- shut uppa yo face. Oh, and the crap about booing him at the draft needs to stop. That was like 15-20 dudes ELEVEN YEARS AGO. How the hell does that represent the entire fan base????
Herm Edwards had the best comments I've heard so far. You know why? Because he gets it. He played here and he knows the fans. He said that he expects mostly cheers, and the fans will boo their team when they aren’t playing well, because…wait for it…they care!!! Holy shit a fan base that voices displeasure in their team?!?! Somebody call Jemele Hill: I need commentary!!
Go ask Allen Iverson how he was received when he came back to Philly. AI had just as many haters as McNabb, but the cheers he got rivaled anything I've heard at a sporting event. Did Iverson win a title? Nope. Was he much more balla than McNabb? In every way imaginable. But the main difference between Iverson and McNabb: McNabb never embraced the fans and always played the victim, while Iverson did the exact opposite. Iverson's attitude was always that many people loved him and a few hated him. He knew that the city just wanted to see someone leave everything out on the court/field every single game. McNabb never understood that a huge portion of the fan base loved him. There is a small group (the overly vocal idiots that call into talk radio) who don't like anybody and are kinda racist. McNabb never embraced Philly fans because of that small group. If Sunday comes and he gets booed, then he gets booed. But I for one will be standing and applauding, and I’m willing to bet that most fans will do the same.
By the way - Brett Favre got the shit booed out of him in Green Bay. That actually happened, but didn’t receive this kind of commentary. God, I hate Trent Dilfer.
The McNabb returning to Philly commentary has reached a breaking point. What I mean is that I want to break my television and the face of each idiot commenting on it. Am I bothered by those speaking on McNabb’s legacy and the upcoming game? Not at all. It’s the idiots who are using retard-strength crystal balls to predict fan reaction to his introduction that really grinds my gears.
After the jump, I'll call out a few of these clowns by name and continue to spit hot fire on them.
Let's start with Trent Dilfer. He predicted fans will boo and it will be “pathetic.” Well, Trent Dilfer, you’re pathetic. You just insulted an entire fan base for something that they haven’t done yet. You won a Super Bowl on a team led by a player that killed a guy. Your self deprecating humor is annoying, and your condescending tone indicates that you’re totally a dick in real life. I’d rather watch Merril Hoge - and I really hate Merril Hoge.
Jemele Hill did the same thing. I was actually a little upset to read her article, because I usually like what she writes. Let me paraphrase: Eagles fans are classless and will boo McNabb, which in-turn makes them more classless. Well Jemele, you are Trent Dilfer -- shut uppa yo face. Oh, and the crap about booing him at the draft needs to stop. That was like 15-20 dudes ELEVEN YEARS AGO. How the hell does that represent the entire fan base????
Herm Edwards had the best comments I've heard so far. You know why? Because he gets it. He played here and he knows the fans. He said that he expects mostly cheers, and the fans will boo their team when they aren’t playing well, because…wait for it…they care!!! Holy shit a fan base that voices displeasure in their team?!?! Somebody call Jemele Hill: I need commentary!!
Go ask Allen Iverson how he was received when he came back to Philly. AI had just as many haters as McNabb, but the cheers he got rivaled anything I've heard at a sporting event. Did Iverson win a title? Nope. Was he much more balla than McNabb? In every way imaginable. But the main difference between Iverson and McNabb: McNabb never embraced the fans and always played the victim, while Iverson did the exact opposite. Iverson's attitude was always that many people loved him and a few hated him. He knew that the city just wanted to see someone leave everything out on the court/field every single game. McNabb never understood that a huge portion of the fan base loved him. There is a small group (the overly vocal idiots that call into talk radio) who don't like anybody and are kinda racist. McNabb never embraced Philly fans because of that small group. If Sunday comes and he gets booed, then he gets booed. But I for one will be standing and applauding, and I’m willing to bet that most fans will do the same.
By the way - Brett Favre got the shit booed out of him in Green Bay. That actually happened, but didn’t receive this kind of commentary. God, I hate Trent Dilfer.