Let's Unleash Joe Roman

WTF is Joe Roman? He's the antihero in a trilogy I've been working on since last year and I decided to launch a project on Kickstarter, which is essentially a patronage site. Here's how it works in a nutshell:

Go to the proposal page and pledge what you can if you choose. In 60 days, if I meet my fundraising goal (in this case, $5000), you will not be billed for your pledge and I will not receive a penny before the 60 days are up. If I make $4999 after 60 days, tough shit. I get nothing and you get billed nothing.

But if I do, my ultimate goal to get a CreateSpace physical edition printed up and distributed of each of the Roman trilogy. Btw, if you look on the right side of the page, you'll note my rewards program including all sorts of little goodies I'll throw in for a specified pledge. So take a looksee and be sure to check out my brilliant promotional video that shows off all my telegenic glory (/snark).
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