White is All Colors

If you're Michelle Malkin and your erstwhile employer and enabler Fox "News" publicly lambastes you for claiming the 99% was "99 percent non-diverse" and mostly white, you know you've made a boo boo. Malkin said this in a sneering email to TheDC. She added after chewing off her hind leg, "It’s as pale out there at Camp Alinsky as MSNBC’s prime-time lineup or the New York Times editorial board. Not counting the cameos by Jesse Jackson and Cornel West, that is."

"Camp Alinski." A ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha.


Where was this concern for white America being over represented when the Tea Baggers began their rise just three months after the inauguration of the first African American President? You know, that'd be the same astroturfers funded by the Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity and Dick Armey's FreedomWorks who were dedicated to the proposition that whatever is good for the United Corporations of America was bad for lib'rals but not them?

That would be the same Tea Baggers who'd hold up signs like these:

and this immortal sign,

So, I guess it's the fault of the 99% for not shanghai-ing people of color of the streets of America and being as pasty-faced as Tea Baggers who, against all reason, are still seen as sexier and more mainstream than the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

A quick trip to the first link to Fox "News" Nation shows what they think of Malkin's typically clueless assertion regarding color. Look at the lead picture they chose. Or you can look at the ones I found on my own after just a few minutes of searching:

Of course, when all is said and done, Malkin and the mainstream media she pretends to represent both have one thing in common: They're both lazy, sneering cunts who can't be bothered to get a simple fact like this right while lauding the Tea Baggers as a bigger populist movement than it actually was instead of it being simply the (well-financed) rebirth of the John Birch Society.

So go fuck yourself, Our Lady of the Internment Camps. If we lived in a world that was actually sane, the SEC would be doing the job of the Wall Street protesters only better and you'd be hustling drinks and turning tricks at a two star hotel bar outside Manila.
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