If there's another tremor down south, don't worry. It's not another earthquake but Hank Williams Sr. aerating his grave at 30,000 RPM.
ESPN decided to pull Hank Williams' Jr. segment just before Monday Night Football because of some Idiotic Tea Bagger comments that even stunned Steve Douchebag and Friends on Fox "News." Apparently, Williams didn't know or care about Roger Ailes' memo to tone down the right wing rhetoric and to move Fox closer to the mainstream.
Because Williams essentially did a great impression of Larry the Cable Guy only minus Larry's brilliant, incisive wit by comparing the President to Hitler and condemning the Republican party for playing golf with him and allegedly compromising with the Oval Office (Yeah, I laughed at that, too, so we'll have to speculate where the compromise actually came from).
Wearing his Atlanta Braves ballcap like a right proper good ole boy, Williams brought back not-so-fond memories of racist John Rocker, former closer for the Braves who'd essentially treated his career like a wooden cross at a Klan rally. Williams, who hasn't had a legitimate hit song that didn't include nachos and tailgating before an NFL game, issued a parody of an apology that essentially placed the blame for ESPN pulling his segment on us for misinterpreting him.
Despite staggering through his segment on Fox and Friends, Williams was barely articulate enough to make known his positions on the GOP, the current Congress and our Chief Executive and his positions are completely indistinguishable from all his astroturfing rowdy friends funded by Dick Armey's FreedomWerx and the Koch brothers.
What mystifies me is why they'd ask the son of a real country singer who needs the NFL to keep him in the public eye every Monday night for 17 weeks for his opinions on matters political? His babbling, semi-coherent bloviations that were obviously based on racism made Ted Nugent sound like a brilliant political scientist.
To prove it, like Rush, he's a big fan of Herman Cain, who's never won anything more meaningful than the Florida straw poll

Williams' appearance on Fox makes those of us in middle age long for the Appalachian wisdom of another peoples' pundit, Floyd Turbo.