After the Rain, The Rainbow

When I was 16, I did not have the desire to drive. My parents had to push me. I was going to a high school that was 20 minutes away for their art program and my mom had five other kids to get ready for school and a family business to tend to. If I wanted to go to this school, I needed to learn how to drive; it was as simple as that. My Grandma knew that I was scared and she offered to practice with me. One weekend we took off on a little road trip to Yarnell, Arizona. I was a small, nervous driver behind the wheel of her big gold Cadillac. Yarnell was a little town a few hours away, but that was Grandma’s destination of choice, because it had a Shrine. When we got there, we walked through a memorial that displayed the last days of Jesus Christ’s life. Then we had lunch and headed home.

On our way back, just as I was curving around the mountainside, it started to rain. My grandma was getting nervous and she asked me to pull over at the next exit. Before I was able to, the most beautiful thing happened. The end of the rainbow had miraculously hit the spot that we were traveling on. Suddenly, we were floating on a pathway of colors and for a moment, it seemed as though time stood still. We were able to enjoy the beauty before us. It was as if the landscape had been painted using only several pastel colors and then sprinkled with glitter. The rain had turned into what looked like small crystals dropping from the sky. It was amazing and we laughed, gasped and looked on in disbelief. I know that there are scientific explanations for rainbows, but I have never once believed that this experience had anything to do with science. In our hearts, we felt like God had sent us a miracle.

Like most people, I have experienced the trials of family illnesses, death, financial struggles, marital issues, and divorce. I was hurt and frightened many times, and uncertain if I had the strength to pull through. Would I ever stop crying? Would the pain in my chest go away? Would I ever feel like myself? The answers were always yes. Life always had a way of working out. I have learned that while the storms of life can be painful, the pain eventually ends. Even so, there are still times when I need to be reminded that life is good. When I find myself afraid to deal with the issues that are ahead of me, I simply remind myself to stop and look around. The sunrise, or the transformation of a butterfly are all reminders that some things in life are constant. Constant like God’s unfailing love, and the like the rainbow appearing after the rain.
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